Residential Transfer Stations

The Guam Solid Waste Authority (GSWA) currently operates three Residential Transfer Stations on the island. The operating hours of the Residential Transfer Stations are:

  • Open: Thursday through Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Closed: Tuesday and Wednesday

Harmon Street Transfer Station

The new Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility and Harmon Residential Transfer Station opened January 23, 2015. Both facilities are located on Harmon Industrial Park Road behind the Government of Guam’s Department of Public Works complex. (see images of the construction)


Agat Transfer Station

Located on Route 2 on the south end of Agat.


Malojloj Transfer Station

Located on Route 4 (Malojloj Highway) just north of the intersection to the Talofofo Falls


US EPA Information Sheet announcing closing of Dededo Transfer Station on June 20, 2015
(click to view)



Residential Transfer Station Rules and Fees

As you enter the facility, a solid waste technician will survey your material and estimate the type and quantity of material you have. You will be directed to place recyclable items in the recycling containers and trash in the trash container. Banned material will not be accepted.

The transfer station is for use by residential customers only.  No commercial trash is allowed. 


Residential Transfer Station Safety Policy and Procedures




Accepted Materials


Scroll table left to right



Household Trash

Price is based on volume which is estimated by the pay attendant in the following manner:

  • The minimum charge is $7.50 from one item up to the top of the sidewalls of a regular 8 foot pick-up bed.
  • If the amount is above the sidewalls and approximately half way to the top of the truck cab, the price will be $15.00.
  • If slightly above the truck cab, the price will be $22.50. If significantly above the truck cab, the pay attendant will assess as needed.
Sofas, Mattresses / Boxsping $7.50 per item 


Free if placed in the recycling container

Glass Bottles and Jars

Free if placed in the recycling container


Banned Material

  • Yard and other vegetative waste: organic wastes from lawns, trees, and horticultural and landscaping activities, including:
    • leaves
    • grass clippings
    • tree prunings
    • large cut waste timber and stumps
    • other similar materials
  • Untreated wood:  wood, such as construction and demolition lumber or pallets, that has had neither paint/stain nor preservatives applied to it
  • Inert material:
    • concrete
    • concrete blocks
    • bricks
    • rocks
    • other bulky material
  • Metals
    • bulky metallic waste
    • vehicles, and/or equipment
    • metal beams
  • Household hazardous wastes:
    • paint/adhesives/solvents
    • cleaners
    • pesticides/herbicides
    • vehicles and non-vehicle batteries
    • used oil, gasoline, diesel, or any flammable liquid
    • construction and demolition materials (concrete, rod/rebar, tin)
    • septic tank or cesspool wastes
  • Mixed loads: loads containing one or more of the above material
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